Imagine this scenario: through a series of misfortunes, you find yourself without work, in a bad financial situation, and unable to provide even the most basic of necessities for either you or your family.
You apply for government aid, and discover, much to your surprise, that while they have programs to provide assistance with food, there is no such program to help out with items such as bath soap, shampoo, deodorant, or other hygiene items.
Everyday staples, such as toilet tissue and facial tissue (also not covered by any governmental program), things that most of us take for granted, become luxury items. And while there are programs to assist with buying baby formula – there is no corresponding program to assist with buying baby diapers.
These are the real-world situations our clients at Food for Fairview face daily. While we are of course primarily a food pantry, we recognize our clients’ need for these other items, and strive to help provide them. But we need your help. We are currently experiencing critically low supplies of basic toiletries, paper products, and diapers. We would greatly appreciate your donation of any of the following:
1. Toiletries, including items such as bath soap, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, men’s and women’s razors, etc. *NOTE: For all you frequent travelers out there, we would love to have your extra travel sized items that you picked up from your hotel during your travels! However, we do request that these items be new and unopened.
2. Feminine hygiene products.
3. Paper products, such as toilet tissue and facial tissue.
4. Baby diapers, any brand or size.
While a hot shower with a new bar of soap may not sound like such a big deal to many of us, this everyday experience can make a world of difference to someone facing financial hardships. Please consider making a donation of one of these items today! As always we appreciate your support and generosity!
It’s tax time! Here at FFF, we appreciate your generosity, and we seek to express our appreciation by letter or, for those of you who have requested it, a yearly tax receipt. All 2013 letters and receipts have been mailed. If you did not receive yours, or need a replacement, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to provide an additional copy. Again, thank you for your kindness in supporting those in need!
Cassia Imholz, Executive Director of Food for Fairview, was honored to attend a check presentation ceremony on March 15 at our local Food Lion.
Many thanks to our local store management team, as well as the Food Lion Charitable Foundation, for their invaluable support of Food for Fairview over the years.
(L-R: Michael, Scott, Sonya and Cassia)