Regardless of what your particular faith tradition is, most would agree that there are certain similarities between all faiths. All call for compassion to those less fortunate, and charge their members with the responsibility to do their part to alleviate the suffering of the world. We are so grateful to the many area churches and faith-based communities who, following the dictates of their faith, have offered assistance of various kinds to Food for Fairview.
Recently, we were fortunate to have one such group, the ladies of the local church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, visit us for a day of service. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints sets aside one day a year as their International Day of Service. Each congregation throughout the world is charged with setting aside time on this one day to venture out into their respective communities to serve others. The ladies from the local church traveled to Fairview to help clean, organize, and stock the pantry. We thank BJ (Elizabeth) Kell, a local accountant and organizer of this event, and the other ladies of who came out to Food for Fairview for their day of service!
We also wanted to recognize Susan Nichols and the Ladies’ Bible Study of Fairview Christian Fellowship. Susan became a grandmother this year, and became aware through that experience of how very expensive providing for a baby’s basic needs, such as diapers, wipes, and baby food can be in this day and age. After reading our recent article outlining our need for diapers and other baby items, and in gratitude that her grandbaby’s parents were able to provide for their child, Susan began a drive at the church to collect items for those families who were not as well situated. If you are interested in donating, there is a collection box outside the sanctuary at the church, or you can contact Susan or one of the other ladies from the Bible Study.
We are so grateful to these two ladies, their church groups, and all those who feel called to serve!
Volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Photo by BJ Keel